Browsing articles in "sodium"

Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Cutting the Gordian Knot

Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Cutting the Gordian Knot Supplement to The Art of Getting Well “Medical data is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your family physician or one of our referral physicians prior to treatment – The Arthritis Trust of America Thyroid: Master Gland & Regulator The human body, from one perspective, is [...]

Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Cutting the Gordian Knot

Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Cutting the Gordian Knot Supplement to The Art of Getting Well “Medical data is for informational purposes only. You should always consult your family physician or one of our referral physicians prior to treatment – The Arthritis Trust of America Thyroid: Master Gland & Regulator The human body, from one perspective, is [...]

Multiple Sclerosis & Other Hormone-Related Brain Syndromes

by Ray Peat, PhD Since I am trying to discuss a complex matter in a single article, I have separately outlined the essential technical points of the argument in a section at the beginning, then I explain how my ideas on the subject developed, and finally there is a glossary. If you start with “Short-day [...]

Multiple Sclerosis & Other Hormone-Related Brain Syndromes

by Ray Peat, PhD Since I am trying to discuss a complex matter in a single article, I have separately outlined the essential technical points of the argument in a section at the beginning, then I explain how my ideas on the subject developed, and finally there is a glossary. If you start with “Short-day [...]

Death by Modern Medicine

Jul 24, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   acid reflux, death, General, modern medicine, salt, sodium  //  Comments Off on Death by Modern Medicine

Hypertension and Calcium Link

Jun 25, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   calcium, dairy, egg shells, General, high blood pressure, hypertension, parathyroid hormone, PTH, sodium  //  Comments Off on Hypertension and Calcium Link
Calcium deficiency, not sodium excess, is an overlooked link in hypertension (high blood pressure) likely due to overstimulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Don’t forget your dairy products and egg shells. Hypertension. 2000 May;35(5):1154-9. Relation between low calcium intake, parathyroid hormone, and blood pressure. Jorde R, Sundsfjord J, Haug E, Bonaa KH. Source Department of Medicine, [...]

Hypertension and Calcium Deficiency

Jun 25, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   calcium, dairy, egg shells, General, high blood pressure, hypertension, parathyroid hormone, PTH, sodium  //  Comments Off on Hypertension and Calcium Deficiency
Calcium deficiency, not sodium excess, is an overlooked link in hypertension (high blood pressure) likely due to overstimulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Don’t forget your dairy products and egg shells. Hypertension. 2000 May;35(5):1154-9. Relation between low calcium intake, parathyroid hormone, and blood pressure. Jorde R, Sundsfjord J, Haug E, Bonaa KH. Source Department of Medicine, [...]
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