
180 Program Testimonial – Before and After Pics

This case of 30-something female displays the power and potential of the information in the 180 Nutrition Program: Popping the Food Bubble, which is FPS’ step-by-step educational and user-friendly interpretation of the work of Ray Peat, PhD.

Although the main reason for this blog was to showcase the physical changes that can occur when cells are making energy better and puffiness/edema decreases as polyunsaturated fats are lowered in the diet and resting metabolic efficiency improves, pay attention to the other effects that occurred as well like positive changes in mood, outlook on life, anxiety, the skin, digestion, libido, sleep quality, and the menstrual cycle. Also note how over-exercise was likely a factor in lack of improvement in the client’s past.

The following testimonials reflect the continuos, gradual, and incremental improvement that can be expected from a sustainable and evidence-based diet and lifestyle. From the first to the third testimonial represents a time frame of a little over a year and half and a loss of 40 pounds, the healthy way. A move from Virginia to southern California in late 2011 was a beneficial factor due to increased sunlight exposure year round.

Testimonial #1: 180 Nutrition Program – Testimonial

Testimonial #2: 180 Program Testimonial – Follow Up – Smarter Not Harder

Testimonial #3:
Before pics from 2010

After pics from July 2012

More testimonials available here.

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  1. Birdie says

    This is a great example. It’s so easy to get caught up in the media mantra that weightloss is unhealthy. It depends how you do it. I think this example shows how healthy eating and exercise just automatically get a person to his/her ideal weight.