Browsing articles in "fertility"

Toxic Plant Estrogens

Oct 24, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   beans, birth control, bisphenol a, BPA, Coumestrol, DES, estrogen, fertility, flaxseed, General, genistein, infertility, isoflavones, lignins, miscarriage, oral contraceptives, phytoestrogens, PUFA, Ray Peat, soy, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Toxic Plant Estrogens
Also see: Estrogen, Progesterone, and Fertility Quotes: Thyroid, Estrogen, Menstrual Symptoms, PMS, and Infertility Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer Alcohol Consumption – Estrogen and Progesterone In Women Estrogen, Endotoxin, and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury Soy and Behavior Baby Formula, Soy, and Immunosuppression Estrogen Levels Increase with Age Fat Tissue and Aging – Increased Estrogen [...]

Estriol, DES, etc

Oct 16, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   age pigment, cancer, DES, diethyl stilbestrol, estradiol, estriol, estrogen, estrone, fertility, General, heart attack, miscarriage, phytoestrogens, progesterone, Ray Peat, shock, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Estriol, DES, etc
by Ray Peat, PhD A review of the use of estrogens reported in J.A.M.A. (only up to 1987) found nearly 200 different “indications for its use. (Palmlund, 1996.) Using the conservative language of that journal, such use could be said to constitute wildly irresponsible “empirical” medical practice. More appropriate language could be used. Pollution of [...]

Quotes: Thyroid, Menstrual Symptoms, PMS, and Fertility

Aug 12, 2011   //   by Team FPS   //   armour, bloating, broda barnes, cramping, estrogen, fertility, General, in vitro fertilization, Mark Starr, menstrual symptoms, miscarraige, mood, period, PMS, puberty, Ray Peat, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Quotes: Thyroid, Menstrual Symptoms, PMS, and Fertility
The number of cases of mild and severe menstrual abnormalities among young girls and older women appear to be on the rise. Young women are often experiencing delayed or premature menses. Women suffering from infertility and repeated miscarriage also appear elevated. There is much to be said about how dessicated thyroid treatment has played a [...]
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