Browsing articles from "June, 2012"

Fermentable Carbohydrates, Anxiety, Aggression

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   aggression, anxiety, fermentable carbohydrate, General, lactate, lactic acid  //  Comments Off on Fermentable Carbohydrates, Anxiety, Aggression
Physiol Behav. 2004 Sep 15;82(2-3):357-68. Anxiety and aggression associated with the fermentation of carbohydrates in the hindgut of rats. Hanstock TL, Clayton EH, Li KM, Mallet PE. Lactic acid accumulation in the caecum and colon resulting from the fermentation of carbohydrates can lead to deleterious effects in ruminant and monogastric animals, including humans. In the [...]

Growth Hormone and Edema

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   edema, General, growth hormone, heart, kidney, retention, sodium, water  //  Comments Off on Growth Hormone and Edema
Growth hormone clearly causes edema, and this is probably involved in the pathological processes that it can produce. -Ray Peat, PhD J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1991 Apr;72(4):768-72. Expansion of extracellular volume and suppression of atrial natriuretic peptide after growth hormone administration in normal man. Møller J, Jørgensen JO, Møller N, Hansen KW, Pedersen EB, Christiansen [...]

Glycolysis Inhibited by Palmitate

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   coconut oil, cytochrome oxidase, General, glycolysis, lactic acid, palmitic acid, sugar  //  Comments Off on Glycolysis Inhibited by Palmitate
Therapeutically, even powerful toxins that block the glycolytic enzymes can improve functions in a variety of organic disturbances “associated with” (caused by) excessive production of lactic acid…But several nontoxic therapies can do the same things: Palmitate (formed from sugar under the influence of thyroid hormone, and found in coconut oil), vitamin B1, biotin, lipoic acid, [...]

Glycolysis Inhibited by Palmitate

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   coconut oil, cytochrome oxidase, General, glycolysis, lactic acid, palmitate, palmitic acid, sugar  //  Comments Off on Glycolysis Inhibited by Palmitate
Therapeutically, even powerful toxins that block the glycolytic enzymes can improve functions in a variety of organic disturbances “associated with” (caused by) excessive production of lactic acid…But several nontoxic therapies can do the same things: Palmitate (formed from sugar under the influence of thyroid hormone, and found in coconut oil), vitamin B1, biotin, lipoic acid, [...]

Growth Hormone Unncessary for Normal Height

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   General, growth hormone, pituitary  //  Comments Off on Growth Hormone Unncessary for Normal Height
Intern Med. 1998 May;37(5):472-5. A hypopituitary patient who attained tall stature without growth hormone. Kageyama K, Watanobe H, Nasushita R, Nishie M, Horiba N, Suda T. We describe an unusual patient with hypopituitarism who attained tall stature even without growth hormone (GH). A 37-year-old man was devoid of secondary sexual characteristics, but manifested tall stature [...]

Growth Hormone Unncessary for Normal Height

Jun 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   General, growth, growth hormone, height, pituitary, tall  //  Comments Off on Growth Hormone Unncessary for Normal Height
Intern Med. 1998 May;37(5):472-5. A hypopituitary patient who attained tall stature without growth hormone. Kageyama K, Watanobe H, Nasushita R, Nishie M, Horiba N, Suda T. We describe an unusual patient with hypopituitarism who attained tall stature even without growth hormone (GH). A 37-year-old man was devoid of secondary sexual characteristics, but manifested tall stature [...]

Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer

Jun 19, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   breast, cancer, estrogen, General, progesterone, prolactin  //  Comments Off on Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer
A 1994 publication (B. Zumoff, “Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer,” Obstet. Gynecol. Clin. North. Am. (U.S.) 21(4), 751-772) reported that there are four hormonal features in women with breast cancer: diminished androgen production, luteal inadequacy, increased 16-hydroxylation of estradiol, and increased prolactin. The 16-hydroxylation converts estradiol into estriol. -Ray Peat, PhD Obstet Gynecol [...]

Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism

Jun 18, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   energy, fat oxidation, functionalps, General, glcolysis, glucose oxidation, metabolism, oxidative metabolism, Ray Peat  //  Comments Off on Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism
The thumbnail below is a revisable chart that portrays factors that promote efficient or inefficient energy metabolism. The goal of the health conscious should be to maximize the effects of the promoters of efficient metabolism while minimizing the effects of the factors that lead to inefficient metabolism. Some of the factors that promote inefficient metabolism [...]

Supervision of Resistance Training and Performance

Jun 17, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   athlete, coach, Fitness, FPS, functionalps, General, Personal Trainer, private gym, resistance training, Simi Valley, strength and conditionoing, supervision  //  Comments Off on Supervision of Resistance Training and Performance
J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Mar;24(3):639-43. Influence of supervision ratio on muscle adaptations to resistance training in nontrained subjects. Gentil P, Bottaro M. The purpose of the present study was to compare the changes in muscle strength in nontrained young males performing resistance training under different supervision ratios. One hundred twenty-four young men were randomly [...]

PUFA Decrease Cellular Energy Production

Jun 15, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   calcium, EFA, essential fatty acids, General, linoleic acid, mitochondria, monounsaturated, PUFA, saturated  //  Comments Off on PUFA Decrease Cellular Energy Production
Also see: PUFA – Accumulation & Aging Free Fatty Acids Suppress Cellular Respiration “Curing” a High Metabolic Rate with Unsaturated Fats Fat Deficient Animals – Activity of Cytochrome Oxidase Randle Cycle Protective “Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency” Errors in Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids With aging, cells have less ability to produce energy, and are often more [...]
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