
Ovarian Cysts

Also see:
Estrogen, Uterine Fibroids, and Thyroid Nodules
Quotes: Thyroid, Estrogen, Menstrual Symptoms, PMS, and Infertility
Autoimmune Disease and Estrogen Connection
Hormonal profiles in women with breast cancer
PUFA Increases Estrogen
PUFA Inhibit Glucuronidation
PUFA Promote Cancer
Maternal PUFA Intake Increases Breast Cancer Risk in Female Offspring
Vitamin A: Anti-Cancer and Anti-Estrogen
Toxic Plant Estrogens
The Dire Effects of Estrogen Pollution
Progesterone: Essential to Your Well-Being
Alcohol Consumption – Estrogen and Progesterone In Women
Estrogen, Endotoxin, and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury
Estrogen Levels Increase with Age
Fat Tissue and Aging – Increased Estrogen
Estrogen Related to Loss of Fat Free Mass with Aging
Bisphenol A (BPA), Estrogen, and Diabetes
Shock Increases Estrogen

“Animal experiments show that lack of thyroid hormone can cause cystic ovaries.” -Ray Peat, PhD in “Nutrition for Women”

“Animals which are artificially made hypothyroid develop cystic ovaries, so it is reasonable to consider hypothyroidism as an important factor when women have cystic ovaries.” -Ray Peat, PhD

“In my own experience, no patient has required a hysterectomy for pathological bleeding unless uterine fibroids were present. If organic problems could be ruled out, as they could in the great majority of cases, thyroid deficiency usually could be detected and treatment with thyroid solved the problem. The need for other surgery may be minimized by adequate thyroid therapy in women with low thyroid function. Cysts on the ovary are common in such women and correction of the thyroid deficiency often eliminates the cysts. Fibroid tumors have been rare in hypothyroid women who have been maintained on adequate thyroid therapy. It is possible to produce fibroids in experimental animals by injection of estrogen, and there is evidence of excess of estrogen in hypothyroid women.” -Dr. Broda Barnes

Animal Reproduction Science Volume 39, Issue 2 , Pages 159-168, July 1995
The importance of thyroid hormone in experimental ovarian cyst formation in gilts
Remigiusz Fitko, Jan Kucharski, Beata Szlezyngier

The Anatomical Record Volume 90, Issue 2, pages 93–99, October 1944
Occurrence of follicular cysts in thyroidectomized rats treated with diethylstilbestrol
Ralph G. Janes

The Anatomical Record Volume 131, Issue 3, pages 487–499, July 1958
Hormonal influences on the gonadotrophin sensitive hypothyroid rat ovary
James H. Leathem

Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1991 Nov;198(2):737-41.
Circulating hormone concentrations in hypothyroid rats with induced polycystic ovaries.
Lee MT, Adams WC, Bruot BC.

Biol Reprod. 1986 Oct;35(3):542-8.
Hormonal changes during the early development of ovarian cysts in the rat.
Lee MT, Bruot BC, Adams WC.

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2 Responses

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  1. Dane Hovey says

    My girlfriend just got diagnosed with Hemorrhagic Cysts on her ovaries. The right one is large and bleeding. They are pushing on her organs and causing tremendous pain. Should thyroid be addressed first? Trying to develop a sound plan to get these things out of her!

  2. Team FPS says

    Given the information above, the thyroid and what affects it should form the basis of the strategy. Energy levels, blood sugar regulation, digestion, the formation of progesterone, and the excretion of estrogen are all affect by the thyroid. The liver is intimately involved in thyroid hormone production, blood sugar regulation, cholesterol production, and estrogen excretion.

    Blood sugar regulation, animal protein from animals, sugar, saturated fat, light therapy, the raw carrot salad, and reducing environmental estrogen burden would be the base of a good strategy. Women I meet are often very deficient in protein which has a wide range of ramifications. As the liver fails due to protein deficiency, estrogen levels remain high leading to female health issues and progressive thyroid inhibition, blood sugar dysregulation, hormone imbalances, and energy deficiency. You must break this chain.