Browsing articles in "aerobic glycolysis"

PUFA, Ketones, and Sugar Restriction Promote Tumor Growth

Jan 6, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic glycolysis, cancer, free fatty acids, General, growth, ketones, low carb, metabolism, polyunsaturated fats, PUFA, starvation, stress, tumor, warburg  //  Comments Off on PUFA, Ketones, and Sugar Restriction Promote Tumor Growth
Also see: Tumor Bearing Organisms – Lipolysis and Ketogenesis as Signs of Chronic Stress Free Fatty Acids Suppress Cellular Respiration PUFA Promote Cancer PUFA Decrease Cellular Energy Production Israeli Paradox: High Omega -6 Diet Promotes Disease Low Blood Sugar Basics Dietary PUFA Reflected in Human Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Towards a morphogenetic perspective on cancer Israeli [...]

Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors as Cancer Therapy

Nov 15, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic glycolysis, cancer, carbon dioxide, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, General, lactic acid, respiratory defect, tumor, Warburg Effect  //  Comments Off on Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors as Cancer Therapy
Also see: Lactate vs. CO2 in wounds, sickness, and aging; the other approach to cancer Altitude Sickness: Therapeutic Effects of Acetazolamide and Carbon Dioxide Comparison: Carbon Dioxide v. Lactic Acid Carbon Dioxide Basics Comparison: Oxidative Metabolism v. Glycolytic Metabolic Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism Altitude Sickness: Therapeutic Effects of Acetazolamide and Carbon Dioxide Low [...]

Carbon Dioxide Basics

Nov 7, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic glycolysis, altitude, anaerobic glycolysis, Bohr Effect, cancer, carbon dioxide, co2, General, Haldane effect, lactate, lactic acid, pasteur effect, Ray Peat, Warburg Effect  //  Comments Off on Carbon Dioxide Basics
Also see: Comparison: Carbon Dioxide v. Lactic Acid Comparison: Oxidative Metabolism v. Glycolytic Metabolic Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism Altitude Sickness: Therapeutic Effects of Acetazolamide and Carbon Dioxide Low CO2 in Hypothyroidism Protective Altitude Lactate Paradox: High Altitude and Exercise Protective Carbon Dioxide, Exercise, and Performance Synergistic Effect of Creatine and Baking Soda on [...]

Comparison: Oxidative Metabolism v. Glycolytic Metabolic

Nov 6, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic glycolysis, aerobic respiration, Albert Lehninger, altitude, carbon dioxide, cell respiration, co2, General, glycolytic metabolism, lactate, oxidative metabolism, Ray Peat, stress  //  Comments Off on Comparison: Oxidative Metabolism v. Glycolytic Metabolic
Also see: Promoters of Efficient v. Inefficient Metabolism Comparison: Carbon Dioxide v. Lactic Acid Carbon Dioxide Basics “The conversion of glucose to lactic acid, provides some usable energy, but many times less than oxidation provides.” -Ray Peat, PhD “For the advantage of being able to extract energy from glucose in the absence of oxygen, the [...]

Enzyme to Know: Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

Energy depletion itself is an excitatory state, that calls for increased fuel and oxygen. But when cells are exposed to PUFA, their ability to use glucose is blocked, increasing their exposure to the fats. Saturated fats activate the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme that is essential for the efficient use of glucose, while PUFA block it. -Ray Peat, [...]
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