Browsing articles in "bile salts"

Protect the Mitochondria

Also see: High Cholesterol and Metabolism The Cholesterol and Thyroid Connection Thyroid Status and Oxidized LDL The Truth about Low Cholesterol Hypothyroidism and A Shift in Death Patterns Light is Right Using Sunlight to Sustain Life PUFA Decrease Cellular Energy Production PUFA Breakdown Products Depress Mitochondrial Respiration “Curing” a High Metabolic Rate with Unsaturated Fats [...]


*Consult a medical professional regarding all things related to your health. Despite popular opinion, PMS isn’t normal. It’s akin to a check engine light that goes off monthly. If you’re looking to have an easy menopause, don’t ignore PMS. If you’re looking for weight loss, it’s recommended to remedy the hormonal balances and metabolism suppression [...]
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