Browsing articles in "bacteria"

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart

Jan 18, 2016   //   by Team FPS   //   aerobic, atherosclerosis, athlete, bacteria, bacterial infection, cardiovascular disease, cirrohsis, CVD, diabetes, endotoxin, endurance, exercise, fibrosis, General, gram negative bacteria, gym, heart, heart disease, high fat meal, inflammation, intestines, Kupffer cells, lipopolysaccharide, liver, LPS, metabolic syndrome, Ray Peat, sepsis, smoking, sport, stress, training  //  Comments Off on Can Endurance Sports Really Cause Harm? The Lipopolysaccharides of Endotoxemia and Their Effect on the Heart
Also See: Endotoxin: Poisoning from the Inside Out Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Exercise Induced Stress Stress — A Shifting of Resources Exercise and Endotoxemia Carbohydrate Lowers Exercise Induced Stress Low carb + intensive training = fall in testosterone levels Exercise and Effect on Thyroid Hormone Exercise Induced Menstrual Disorders Ray Peat, PhD: Quotes Relating […]

Intestinal Bacteria Synthesize Vitamin K2

Oct 11, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   antibiotics, Aspirin, bacteria, bone, calcium, clotting, coumadin, General, intestines, liver, menaquinones, mk-4, mk-7, osteoporosis, phylloquinone, Ray Peat, thorne research, vitamin k, vitamin k1, vitamin k2, warfarin  //  Comments Off on Intestinal Bacteria Synthesize Vitamin K2
Am J Gastroenterol. 1994 Jun;89(6):915-23. The contribution of vitamin K2 (menaquinones) produced by the intestinal microflora to human nutritional requirements for vitamin K. Conly JM, Stein K, Worobetz L, Rutledge-Harding S. BACKGROUND: Coagulopathy manifest by elevation of the prothrombin time (PT) in patients receiving broad spectrum antimicrobials indirectly suggests a role for intestinal microflora synthesized [...]

Hypothyroidism, Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, & Lactose Intolerance

Jun 3, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bacteria, calcium, dairy, General, hypothyroidism, intestines, milk, overgrowth, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Hypothyroidism, Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, & Lactose Intolerance
Also see: Autoimmunity and Intestinal Flora Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine can be caused by hypothyroidism (Lauritano, et al., 2007), and the substances produced by these bacteria can damage the lining of the small intestine, causing the loss of lactase enzymes (Walshe, et al., 1990). -Ray Peat, PhD from “Milk in context: allergies, ecology, [...]

Gut Flora and Resistance to Endotoxin

Apr 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bacteria, endotoxin, environment, General, gram negative bacteria, gut, lactobacilli, microflora, shock, stress  //  Comments Off on Gut Flora and Resistance to Endotoxin
J Exp Med. 1962 June 1; 115(6): 1149–1160. THE FECAL FLORA OF VARIOUS STRAINS OF MICE. ITS BEARING ON THEIR SUSCEPTIBILITY TO ENDOTOXIN Russell W. Schaedler and René J. Dubos Adult mice from seven different colonies were studied with regard to (a) the numbers and types of bacteria that could be cultivated from their stools; [...]
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