Browsing articles from "November, 2011"

Grapefruit, Flavonoids, Detoxification, and Estrogen

For example, the flavonoids, naringenin, quercetin and kaempherol (kaempherol is an antioxidant, a phytoestrogen, and a mutagen) modify the metabolism of estradiol, causing increased bioavailability of both estrone and estradiol. (W. Schubert, et al., “Inhibition of 17-beta-estradiol metabolism by grapefruit juice in ovariectomized women,” Maturitas (Ireland) 30(2-3), 155-163, 1994.) -Ray Peat, PhD Maturitas. 1994 Dec;20(2-3):155-63. [...]

Dietary Fiber and Cancer

Nutrition and cancer. 1998. v. 31 (1) Dietary lignin, an insoluble fiber, enhanced uterine cancer but did not influence mammary cancer induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in rats. Previous investigations suggested potential breast cancer-preventive properties of dietary fiber from cabbage. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether lignin, a component of cabbage fiber, would [...]

Dietary Fiber and Cancer

Nutrition and cancer. 1998. v. 31 (1) Dietary lignin, an insoluble fiber, enhanced uterine cancer but did not influence mammary cancer induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in rats. Previous investigations suggested potential breast cancer-preventive properties of dietary fiber from cabbage. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether lignin, a component of cabbage fiber, would [...]

Estrogen, Serotonin, and Aggression

“Estrogen is often said to achieve some of its “wonderful” effects by increasing the effects of serotonin…Many experiments have shown that estrogen is very important for aggressive behavior in animals, and estrogen promotes serotonin’s actions. Some research shows that increased serotonin is associated with certain types of increased aggressiveness, and antiserotonin agents decrease aggresiveness (Ieni, [...]

Estrogen, Serotonin, and Aggression

“Estrogen is often said to achieve some of its “wonderful” effects by increasing the effects of serotonin…Many experiments have shown that estrogen is very important for aggressive behavior in animals, and estrogen promotes serotonin’s actions. Some research shows that increased serotonin is associated with certain types of increased aggressiveness, and antiserotonin agents decrease aggresiveness (Ieni, [...]

Aspirin and Exercise

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003 Apr;89(2):177-83. Epub 2003 Feb 1. The influence of aspirin on exercise-induced changes in adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and aldosterone (ALD) concentrations. Przybyłowski J, Obodyński K, Lewicki C, Kuźniar J, Zaborniak S, Drozd S, Czarny W, Garmulewicz M. The influence of aspirin (ASA) on the endocrinology system and prostaglandin (PGs) synthesis [...]

Aspirin and Exercise

Eur J Appl Physiol. 2003 Apr;89(2):177-83. Epub 2003 Feb 1. The influence of aspirin on exercise-induced changes in adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and aldosterone (ALD) concentrations. Przybyłowski J, Obodyński K, Lewicki C, Kuźniar J, Zaborniak S, Drozd S, Czarny W, Garmulewicz M. The influence of aspirin (ASA) on the endocrinology system and prostaglandin (PGs) synthesis [...]

Fats and Oils: The significance of temperature

by Barry Groves Have you ever wondered why polyunsaturated margarine has to be kept in a fridge, yet coconut oil can be kept out at room temperature for a year or more without any untoward effects? All fats and oils in Nature are a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The only difference [...]
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