Browsing articles in "hypothyroid"

Ray Peat, PhD on Nitric Oxide

Also see: Collection of Ray Peat Quote Blogs by FPS Collection of FPS Charts Master List – Ray Peat, PhD Interviews Protective Glycine Thyroid peroxidase activity is inhibited by amino acids Gelatin, Glycine, and Metabolism Gelatin > Whey Ray Peat, PhD on Endotoxin Bowel Toxins Accelerate Aging Ray Peat, PhD on the Benefits of the […]

Our Holy Miracle of the Infallible TSH Test

Jun 21, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   armour, desiccated thyroid, ERFA, General, hypothyroid, lab tests, Nature Throid, NP Thyroid, T3, T4, Thiroyd, thyroid, TSH  //  Comments Off on Our Holy Miracle of the Infallible TSH Test
Also see: Dear Doctor Why Do You Insist on Synthroid Instead of Armour? — A Patient’s Letter Synthroid Sucks! The Rallying Cry of Thyroid Patients vs. Clueless Doctors Desiccated thyroid in the management of hypothyroidism: Part I, II, III TSH: Marker for Increased Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease Thyroid Insufficiency. Is Thyroxine the Only [...]

Our Holy Miracle of the Infallible TSH Test

Jun 21, 2013   //   by Team FPS   //   armour, desiccated thyroid, ERFA, General, hypothyroid, lab tests, Nature Throid, NP Thyroid, T3, T4, Thiroyd, thyroid, TSH  //  Comments Off on Our Holy Miracle of the Infallible TSH Test
Also see: Dear Doctor Why Do You Insist on Synthroid Instead of Armour? — A Patient’s Letter Synthroid Sucks! The Rallying Cry of Thyroid Patients vs. Clueless Doctors Desiccated thyroid in the management of hypothyroidism: Part I, II, III TSH: Marker for Increased Risk of Fatal Coronary Heart Disease Thyroid Insufficiency. Is Thyroxine the Only [...]

Hypothyroidism, Gout, and Uric Acid

Oct 4, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   General, gout, hypothyroid, thyrod, uric acid  //  Comments Off on Hypothyroidism, Gout, and Uric Acid
Also see: Uric Acid as an Antioxidant Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2001 Nov-Dec;19(6):661-5. Hyperuricemia and gout in thyroid endocrine disorders. Giordano N, Santacroce C, Mattii G, Geraci S, Amendola A, Gennari C. OBJECTIVE: A significant correlation between thyroid function and purine nucleotide metabolism has been established in hypothyroidism. On the contrary, the relationship between hyperthyroidism and [...]

Factors That Can Lower TSH

Jun 30, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   adrenaline, aging, caffeine, coffee, cortisol, General, hypothyroid, infection, pituitary, thyroid, thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH  //  Comments Off on Factors That Can Lower TSH
Aging, infection, trauma, prolonged cortisol excess, somatostatin, dopamine or L-dopa, adrenaline (sometimes; Mannisto, et al., 1979), amphetamine, caffeine and fever can lower TSH, apart from the effect of feedback by the thyroid hormones, creating a situation in which TSH can appear normal or low, at the same time that there is a real hypothyroidism. -Ray [...]

Ovarian Cysts

May 31, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   estrogen, General, gonadotrophin, hypothyroid, ovarian cysts, pituitary, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Ovarian Cysts
“Animal experiments show that lack of thyroid hormone can cause cystic ovaries.” -Ray Peat, PhD in “Nutrition for Women” Animal Reproduction Science Volume 39, Issue 2 , Pages 159-168, July 1995 The importance of thyroid hormone in experimental ovarian cyst formation in gilts Remigiusz Fitko, Jan Kucharski, Beata Szlezyngier The Anatomical Record Volume 90, Issue [...]

High Blood Pressure and Hypothyroidism

Apr 23, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   adrenal, adrenaline, cortisol, epinhephrine, General, high blood pressure, hypertension, hypothyroid, thyroid  //  Comments Off on High Blood Pressure and Hypothyroidism
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 1994 Jun;23(2):379-86. Hypertension in thyroid disorders. Saito I, Saruta T. Hypertension is more common in hypothyroidic patients than in euthyroid controls in older age groups. Treatment of the thyroid deficiency alone lowers blood pressure in most patients. Hemodynamically, cardiac output is reduced and total peripheral resistance is elevated. The latter [...]

Thyroid Status and Cardiovascular Disease

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Jun;91(6):2126-32. Epub 2006 Mar 14. Subclinical hypothyroidism, arterial stiffness, and myocardial reserve. Owen PJ, Rajiv C, Vinereanu D, Mathew T, Fraser AG, Lazarus JH. CONTEXT: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is associated with increased risk of cardiac disease; its impact on arterial function is less clear. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study [...]

Hypothyroidism and Gallbladder Disease

Jan 20, 2012   //   by Team FPS   //   bile, broda barnes, disease, gallbladderd, General, hypothyroid, odi, progesterone, Ray Peat, sphincter, thyroid  //  Comments Off on Hypothyroidism and Gallbladder Disease
World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Sep 21;11(35):5530-4. Association between thyroid function and gallstone disease. Völzke H, Robinson DM, John U. AIM: To investigate those associations using data of the population-based Study of Health in Pomerania. METHODS: A study population of 3 749 residents aged 20-79 years without previously diagnosed thyroid disease was available for analyses. Serum [...]
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